About MS404

MS404 ( $MST ) is MintSwap's unique native asset, built on the cutting-edge ERC-404 standard. This revolutionary protocol seamlessly blends the characteristics of both ERC-20 tokens and ERC-721 NFTs, opening up a world of possibilities for ownership, trading, and utility within the MintSwap & Mint ecosystem. View More

MS404 NFT Minting Event

Benefits & Utilities in MintSwap

Staking Reward
LP Reward
Trading Reward

Additional Benefit

$MINT Airdrop

NFT Allocation

Total Supply: 10,000Minting Event Supply: 3,000MintSwap Mining Rewards: 6,000Initial Liquidity: 1,000

Conversion Ratio

1 MS404 NFT = 10,000 $MST

Whitelist Minting

Date & time: 24th — 25th July 12:00 PM UTC, or it ends when All 500 early access spots are minted

Minting price: 0.028 ETH (30% Discounted)

1 wallet can mint at most 1 MS404 NFT

24/7 12:00 - 25/7 12:00 (UTC)

Public Minting

Date & time: end of Whitelist Minting — 29th July

Minting price: 0.04 ETH

1 wallet can mint at most 3 MS404 NFTs

25/7 12:00 - 29/7 12:00 (UTC)

Inventory: 0/3,000

MS404 GalleryMy MS404